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Hydroponic Fodder Research

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“It be concluded that feeding of HMF to lactating cows increased the digestibility of nutrients and milk production leading to increase in net profit.” 

See study.

“Hydroponic fodder is more palatable, digestible and nutritious while imparting other health benefits to the animal... Feeding of hydroponic fodder increases the digestibility of the nutrients of the ration which contributes towards increased milk production (8-13%).” See study.

"A test completed on milk production with a diet of fodder versus one of the normal feeds such as grain, hay or silage showed a vast improvement in milk production and butterfat content. A group of 60 cows on a fodder diet increased their milk production by 10.07%. In addition, the fodder fed group also produced a butterfat content of 14.26% higher as compared to those fed on a regular diet (Ryan, 2003). In another study from Canadian, there was an increase in 3.6kg per day milk production per cow over the lactation period. Furthermore, from South Africa, milking cows dropped 3.6 litres of milk per milking after leaving off the green fodder, which was fed at the rate of 6.8kg per day (Mooney, 2002). Naik et al. (2013) result also revealed that milk yield was increased by 0.5-2.5 litres/animal/day due to the feeding of hydroponic fodder to dairy animals. In Šidagis et al. (2014) study, they were concluded that malt sprouts were increased the whole milk yield and milk fat content, but had no significant influence on milk protein content. Naik et al. (2014) were reported 13.7% increase in the milk yield due to hydroponic maize feeding. These improvements might be due to a stimulated appetite of the cow as a result of the daily feeding of fresh green fodder (Ryan, 2003). See study.

2018, Indian Journal Animal Research: On conclusion, feeding of hydroponics maize fodder as a partial feed substitute of calf starter on protein basis at seven per cent level improves the DM intake, total body weight gain, ADG and lowers the cost per kg body weight gain. See study.

For additional studies, click here and here.

Dairy Cattle


A study took place during the summer months, and showed that lactating Saler cows maintained their weight, their calves gained weight faster, their fertility hormones registered higher concentrations, and they showed improved body condition. See study.

A five-year study by French veterinarians recommended feeding hydroponic fodder to calves “right from the first month of life” because of “perfect digestibility, increased gain and rapid development, giving test animals the equivalent of an additional maturity of 3 to 4 months over a two year period.” They further reported “heightened activity in general and genital development, which permitted an earlier covering followed by an assured impregnation. For milk cows, they reported “an increase in alimentary digestibility, a greater richness of compounds directly assimilable, which automatically brings an increased production of milk of a greater richness in fats, increasing on a par with a decrease in the price of the ration.” (Copy not available digitally)

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Beef Cattle
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The chemical analysis revealed significantly higher value and improve nutritional alteration in sprouts comparative to grains. In blood serum sex hormones evaluation,both treated groups particularly 30% group recorded higher values compare to control. In pen test and sexual estimation treated groups particularly 30% group recorded high improvement with earlier and higher puberty weight than both 10% and control groups. According to these results it could be recommend to replacement of sprouted barley different level to the diet of ruminants and lambs for more improvements to reproductive traits." See study.


“Results of the experiment show that hydroponic barley had a positive effect on feed intake, final body weight, total gain, average daily gain and FCR... In conclusion HB can be used as feed for lambs in the fattening period to enhance their growth performance. See study.

“HB has positive effects on ewe’s health conditions, mortalities, conception rates and abortion. In conclusion. HB can be used as feed for lactating sheep as cost of feed can be reduced by 42%." See study.



“Inclusion of hydroponics maize fodder in pig nutrition improved performance and nutrient digestibility of weaned pigs.” See study.

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Hens fed a mix of sprouted seeds in a trial at Duchy College, Cornwall, needed 25% less overall feed. The results found that feeding laying hens a diet of half sprouted barley grain and half commercial feed showed a significant increase in the total egg, yolk and albumen weight. There was also a rise in the number of eggs laid compared to a diet of only sprouted grain or only commercial feed: See study.



“It can be concluded that feeding of hydroponically grown maize and barley fodder for growing goats increased the total DM intake, feed conversion, body weight gain, and is economically valid.” See study.

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“This study clearly shows that your horse becomes what you feed him. A hydroponic diet of fresh sprouts offers greater health benefits than any combination of processed or dried feeds. Equine nutrition can seem complex, but when it is broken down into a fundamental, natural way of feeding, the results can be amazing.” See study.

Phil Schoenthal (stats: 2,838 starts, 450 1sts, 417 2nds, 341 3rds, earnings $12,003,535)  “I’m seeing horses bounce out of races better and be ready to run again sooner.” He’s finding hydroponic fodder improves race recovery, increases red blood cell count, boosts electrolytes, and helps prevent ulcers. See more.

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